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Bookshop Memories — Archives Books, Edmond, Oklahoma
Archives Books — Edmond, Oklahoma
When I first visited Archives Books, it was very small, in the end unit of a nondescript commercial strip not far from the interstate in Oklahoma City’s northern suburb of Edmond. Apparently, the owner, Wayne, had a bookshop earlier and had a giant reset as things moved online. My first visit would have been in 2005, shortly after moving to the OKC metro. Chatting with Wayne, I gathered he closed the earlier shop to transition to going fully online, retool his business model a bit, and then realized a little walk-in traffic in a room full of unsorted dreck could still make enough money to cover the rent and be a place for walk-ins to sell him a houseful of old books when a bookish relative died.
There were several thousand books. He had a couple of shelves up front for “better books,” individually priced but still not very expensive. Everything else was $1 per book: six books for $5, fifteen books for $10. You might buy the store for a very modest sum at some point in the scale. It was a great place to rummage around for the joy of the hunt and because there were treasures to be found.
It was like panning for gold. Most of it was crap — damaged books missing dust jackets, book club edition fiction from the 1970s, partial sets of dentistry yearbooks, 1980s self-help…